Tuesday, December 21, 2010

First Posting: A New Beginning

Finally I'm blogging for the first time since I first registered in July 2008.

I've never been happier!
I just started work at this new office on 2010.12.01.
Luv my new colleagues, they are a wonderful bunch!
Luv my new boss, he's sharp!
Luv my new office environment, but there's still room for improvement.

We celebrated Nafisah's birthday on 2010.12.15 and decided that we should do this more often.
Whose birthday next?

Happy Birthday Nafis!

That's me in the back row in yellow shirt.


  1. Great start! Keep it goin! Keep the music rollin! Cheers!

  2. Thanx Cat. Will try to keep it rolling. ;-)

  3. gud start!!.. we shud do dis more often.. party e'day.. yeah~

  4. A good start Logo. Wow.... you look handsome dear Logo. Too bad no "wink" emoticon here.

  5. Welcome to logokoko, Baiduri!

    Me handsome? Hehehe... kalau tengok dari jauh jer kot? Kalau tengok dari dekat tak handsome. Har har!

    Anyway, thanx for the compliment and for following my blog.

    For winking, you can type this ;-)~

  6. So this is your new office. Wow...! Nice office! Congrats for your new job Logo.

  7. Yes Baiduri. This is my new office. Nice, isn't it? The boss encourages suggestions to make it even better.


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